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Elleeplex Profusion Lash Lamination Class Structure
Elleeplex Profusion Lash Lamination Class Structure
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Elleeplex Profusion Lash Lamination Class Structure
9.00 – 17.00
8:30 – Arrive early
Set up - lay out the kits & manuals together with products for the class as well as your demonstration products. This will mean you will not spend time during the class looking for items in your kit. Set out water and glasses ready for the class and familiarize yourself with the new points in the manual if there has been an update. Ensure your Elleebana banner is set up for photographs in the training space (If applicable).
N.B – Australian Trainers – Most wholesale venues will have banners for you to use, please check with store management to locate the banner.
Be well presented – Trainers are to have a well-presented uniform, professional day make up and appearance, hair tied back and away from the face, nails clean and trimmed, at all times.
Working stock – and instruments must be cleaned and sanitized prior to arrival.
Check course kits- Ensuring course packages are complete.
Set up students working stock - For example, disposables, kidney dish, two in one dish, Elleebana protective eye guard/ mascara wands etc.
Information on the white board to read – Your name, company’s phone number for support (07) 5576 6388, email info@eximport.com.au, Elleebana Facebook, Elleebana Instagram, the email for photo submissions trainers@eximport.com.au (or as a applicable in your country) the Elleebana website.
Website |
Ex Import Trainer Facebook Page |
If applicable |
9:00am – Class Begins
Students arrive – welcome students and host introductions, introduce the brand Elleebana/Elleeplex to the trainees, talk about you and your background or achievements as a trainer. Talk about Elleebana’s company and introduce them to the Social Media pages that you have listed on the white board. Discuss how professionalism and having respect for one another in the class is important. Ask them to switch off their phones and put them away. Then ask the students for a short introduction on themselves and add in an icebreaker.
Check with your country’s guidelines and regulations for Covid-19 - Ensure you are explaining to your students the correct safety procedures for wearing a mask, gloves and social distancing when delivering a class and providing treatments.
If students are bringing models, ensure they are organized - Explain the correct model arrival times.
Complete the first part of the criteria checklist of each student – Explain the importance of clear and easy to read writing (capitalization) and that the information entered onto this criteria checklist is used for the student’s certificate and for their listing on the salon finder as well as their exam (online exam for Australia only). Please check all email addresses are legible (You may need to ask the student to re-write).
Student Declaration Forms/models authorization form – please ask to complete if applicable.
Table of contents - Read through each unit and briefly discuss each topic.
Manual copyright agreement - Please read this section and ask students to complete and sign it. Trainer to then sign and take a photo for your records.
Why did you choose to train with Elleebana - discuss with students as a class (ice breaker) you may like to do this when the students are introducing themselves to the group.
9:15 am – Theory and Manual Delivery
Discuss the benefits of using Elleeplex Profusion Lash Lamination.
Showcase products range with students
Explain the results of the service, the process and how it works on lashes
Discuss the technical details about the process (refer them to the hair diagram showcasing the chemical changes to the hair when lotions are applied) Name differences between both systems and active ingredients.
Explain all QR codes throughout the manual and where they will take the student too for more valuable information
Discuss how the ingredients work in both systems-
Explain all products are tested at Elleebana Head Office before being distributed
Explain in details the functions of a lash lamination and the process of raw materials being used.
Explain and discuss Active Ingredients in both lifting and setting lotions and their benefits in both systems.
Discuss Elleeplex ReGEN Next Gen formula and its benefits
Explain our YouTube channel and the videos found within the manual
Discuss all adhesives; original/ stronghold in both packaging (w/brush and squeeze tube)
Explain How and why each of the products must be stored
Ask students to highlight each product’s recommended storage and shelf life
Explain the importance of using the lotions within the 24-hour timeframe and the recommended storage for opened sachets
Discuss all Elleebana Pro Fusion Tinting products and benefits of using them lash lamination.
Explain why the hair structure and the growth cycle is important, (regardless of student’s previous experience, this must be reiterated to ensure the students understand how the hair structure is relevant to the treatment)
Discuss how these lash growth stages can play a part in a lift and the duration a lift should last for. Explain each client will be at different stages to one another so it’s important to educate our clients of this. Show how lashes looks like 4-6 weeks after lash lift and lash lamination.
Activity – Make a list of ways we lose lashes without noticing the fall of these lashes
Discuss why care must be given to the eye area during this treatment - using adhesive, sharp tools, removal of contact lenses
Discuss personal and professional sanitation and providing a clean professional environment always
Talk about sanitation of tools used during the treatment
Client/ technician body placement – options of sitting or standing – correct posture
Discuss sensitivities and reactions
Patch Testing- discuss how this is performed. The importance of patch testing, for professional / client care.
- give tips of how we can utilize this into a salon – patch test existing clients while they are in for another treatment
- sachets can be stored in a zip lock bag in the fridge for up to 2 weeks for patch test purposes only
Explain Insurance – how important this is for professional standards and safety
Discuss the importance of a consultation process
Reiterate the importance of continuously taking treatment images and detailed client cards each appointment (refer back to the white board for case study requirements and to get into a habit of continuously taking these images)
Read through all contraindications with students
Refer to the pregnancy blog and discuss
Returning clients - explain what a lash lamination should look like when a client returns anywhere from 6-8 weeks
Activity – give an example of a changed circumstance for your clients and how it might affect the result of a lash lamination
The importance of cleansing – this is an opportunity to upsell the make up remover as a retail product
Eye shapes – discuss each eye shape and where we might use a rod or shield. How we would distinguish between the 2
Activity – ask students to assess each other’s eye shapes and what they might use a rod or a shield to help guide them through their practical.
Discuss why salons charge what they need to
Discuss the importance of doing research and charging an appropriate price for the market
Give a breakdown of cost per treatment
Explain the different procedure steps and our processing options 1-4 and that foundation steps will be explained in more detail during the LIVE demonstration. Explain that these outlined steps are for students’ reference when they are in their own space.
Highlight to students’ trainers tips and the importance of lash separation
Explain in detail the use of ReGEN and the accuracy of ratios needed when combining with step two and tint.
Deliver the aftercare advice from the manual
Discuss lash growth serums and other after care treatments and the effects these can have on a lash lamination
Explain Elleeplex and Elleevate and its benefits – key ingredients and what they are used for
Discuss Pre-curling for strong lashes
Discuss Using a heat source
Discuss Rod/shield selection
Discuss Lotion placement
Discuss Lotion applied in wrong order
Discuss in detail processing times and recommendations
Discuss over processing/curling
Correct shield/rod placement
To be discussed at the end of the day (see end of structure)
To be discussed at the end of the day (see end of structure)
Ask students to highlight the details in this section that are appropriate and draw their attention back to the phone and email details on the whiteboard
Explain to students the case studies of lash growth from the manual
12.00- 12.30 Lunch break – lunch must be provided by trainer.
12.30 – 14.00am – Trainers Demonstration
Begin with a client consultation and refer to the contraindications of the model
Discuss client indemnity form completion – model to fill out an indemnity form
Demonstrate taking a good before and after image of your model and how the students image submissions should look
Proceed to demonstrating the steps within the treatment for lash lamination – ask students to pay particular attention to things like lash placement, lotion placement and consistency and timing
Perform the steps within the treatment to achieve a lash tint (if your area permits lash tinting)
Demonstrate the use of extreme shields if appropriate
Demonstrate the use of Re-Gen
You may also wish to demonstrate some additional treatment steps to assist students to achieve even better results such as Taping options; micropore tape and Japanese tape
Deliver aftercare advice to your model in front of the class
Be certain to take your after photos
14.00 - 15.15 – Hands on training on models – ELLEEPLEX PRO FUSION LASH LAMINATION
15.15- 16.30 – Hands on training on models – ELLEEPLEX PRO FUSION LASH LAMINATION
16.45 – 17.00 – Finalize the day by review of content
Discuss what can go wrong and how it can be fixed
Discuss All frequently asked questions if time permits – otherwise explain 5 most common questions to students
Complete Criteria Checklist (Ensure Salon Details are entered if Employer is paying for training AND email must be clear) / Certificates Q & A
Take a class photo

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